Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hoar Frost

Today, like I mentioned in the previous post, we had amazing hoar frost. The frost lasted til nearly 3:00pm. It was amazing ... and a great photo opportunity.

Here's some shots that are not equine-related.

Meet the Kerkvliets

Today I managed to snap some fabulous shots (least I think so ... and I don't like doing standing photography ie portraits) of Laura and Josh and their three ponies, Gernonimo, Ty and DaVinci.

So, without further ado, here's a few of the better photos.

Had to include this one ... check out Ty's tongue.

The hoar frost was amazing today ... it lasted until about 3pm. Made for AMAZING photos.

Thank you so much Laura and Josh for letting me photo your "ponies". They were so well behaved.